Kibeo t Vrije Zierikzee-104 Kibeo t Vrije Zierikzee-104

Developing bags


Your toddler will learn a lot while playing with Kibeo. Your child can play nice and protected and is challenged to learn new things. At Kibeo we work with Toddler start, certified programs that stimulate your child's development.

Does your child need extra support? Then Kibeo offers your child extra support from preschool education (VE). With the specially designed development bags, your child can also get started at home!

You as a parent play an important role in the use of the development bags. Together with your child you make various assignments and games from the development bag. That is not only fun, but it also has a positive influence on your child's learning process.

We wish you a lot of fun playing!

Think bag

With the 'Thinking bag' you stimulate the cognitive development of your toddler with all kinds of fun and challenging play material. All children go through the same thinking development, each child at its own pace. Aptitude plays a role in this, but so does the way in which you as a parent challenge your toddler to think about everyday situations in and around the house.

We are very curious about your experience with the bag. Fill the questionnaire in!

Complete the questionnaire

Move bag

With the 'Movement Bag' you stimulate your toddler's motor skills with all kinds of fun and challenging play material. Motor development can be divided into two parts: gross motor skills, such as walking and cycling; and fine motor skills such as cutting and writing.

We are very curious about your experience with the bag. Fill the questionnaire in!

Complete the questionnaire

Plus bag

With the 'Plusbag' your toddler is challenged with all kinds of fun and challenging play material. Children with a developmental lead develop quickly. They are eager to learn and are good at making connections. They are enterprising, enthusiastic and curious.

We are very curious about your experience with the bag. Fill the questionnaire in!

Complete the questionnaire

Angry and happy bag

With the 'Angry and happy bag' you stimulate the social-emotional development of your toddler with all kinds of fun and challenging play materials. Your toddler's developing emotions, self-image, temperament, motivation and attachment all play a role in social-emotional development.

We are very curious about your experience with the bag. Fill the questionnaire in!

Complete the questionnaire

Story bag

With the 'Story Bag' you stimulate the language development of your toddler with all kinds of fun and challenging play material. Language development starts from birth. Young children mainly learn language at home, as a parent you have a lot of influence on that!

We are very curious about your experience with the bag. Fill the questionnaire in!

Complete the questionnaire

I can bag it myself

With the 'I can do it myself bag' you stimulate your toddler's self-reliance with all kinds of fun and challenging play materials. Children develop self-reliance over the years, each at their own pace. Your toddler will learn to dress herself, go to the toilet and tell her what she wants.

We are very curious about your experience with the bag. Fill the questionnaire in!

Complete the questionnaire