MJL_2734 MJL_2734

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Calculation tool

Please note: Our calculation tool is currently only suitable for parents who qualify for childcare allowance.

The cost of childcare depends on your personal situation. With our handy calculation tool you quickly get a good idea of what you will ultimately spend each month. You can see what the costs are for the desired childcare and an indication of what the government will reimburse you in terms of allowance.

Childcare allowance or not? 

The government considers childcare very important for the development of children. That is why, if you and your partner are both working or studying, you will receive a contribution towards the costs of childcare; childcare allowance. Are you not eligible for childcare allowance and would you like to calculate your net monthly costs? Please contact the Customer Relations department at [email protected] or 0113 760 250. You will then receive free advice and a tailor-made quote.

The government considers it very important that all toddlers have the opportunity to go to daycare with peers. That is why the municipality often makes extra subsidies available to make toddler care affordable for all parents. If you are not entitled to childcare allowance, you pay an income-related monthly contribution for the care of your toddler. Each municipality has its own regulations for this. Check here which (extra) arrangements are available in your municipality!

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