MJL_2734 MJL_2734

Municipality of Moerdijk


Additional scheme in addition to childcare allowance?

In some cases, the municipality of Moerdijk offers extra support: 

1. Special assistance
The conditions for this assistance are:

  • Your family has a minimum income

2. Stichting Leergeld
The conditions for this allowance are:

  • Your family has an income lower than 120% of the social assistance standard

Indication of the CJG?

Do you have the advice of the CJG to bring your toddler to Kibeo for extra support with regard to language and/or social development? Then it is possible in the municipality of Moerdijk to get a 3rd and 4th half day free te komen. Ook ontvang je korting op je betaalde uren van het pakket Peuteropvang, naast de gratis VVE dagdelen en naast je kinderopvangtoeslag. Je bruto-uurtarief wordt dan € 10,25.


  • You have a indication received for VVE
  • Your baby is already coming 2 paid half days from 4 o'clock to the shelter
  • Your toddler is 2.5 years old