MJL_2734 MJL_2734

Municipality of Schouwen-Duiveland


Additional scheme in addition to childcare allowance?

In some cases, the municipality of Schouwen-Duiveland offers extra support: 

1. Max reimbursement of €152 per person per year via the Declaration Fund.
The conditions for this reimbursement are:

  • For parents with income lower than 120% of social assistance standard and small assets.

2. Customization via Stichting Leergeld

3. Special assistance allowance for necessary childcare.
The conditions for this special assistance allowance are:

  • Within your family has one person has a disability that makes childcare necessary (based on a social medical indication via the CJG)

4. Customization in the interests of the child/family
The conditions for this additional allowance are:

  • The local municipal access to Youth Services has determined that toddler care is in the best interest of your child/family.

Indication from the GGD?

Do you have the advice of the GGD to bring your toddler to Kibeo for extra support with regard to language and/or social development? Then it is possible in the municipality of Schouwen-Duiveland for toddlers aged 2 to 2.5 years to 3rd day free to come. For toddlers from 2.5 years applies that with a VVE indication from the GGD they are entitled to a free 3rd and 4th byel.

The GGD also sends the advice to us. We will contact you to discuss the possibilities for a 3rd and 4th half day.


  • You have one for this indication received from the GGD
  • Your baby is already coming 2 paid half days to the shelter