Kindcentrum De Arenberg Zevenbergen

Toddler group
Before- and After-School care
Together we form Primary School de Arenberg a child center
Quiet, separate baby groups with specially trained baby specialists
You will find Wereldmakers at this location. At Wereldmakers, your child will experience adventures at the BSO and discover a new world again and again.

Welcome at Kindcentrum De Arenberg Zevenbergen

Your child, together with friends, always has something to see, discover or do at Child Center De Arenberg in Zevenbergen. In the cozy, pleasant baby group, the baby specialists ensure that your baby develops at his or her own pace with targeted activities.

Toddlers are challenged to learn everything they will need as a toddler. Kibeo 't Saamdeel works with Toddler Start, which are certified activity programs that stimulate your child's development. With the right activities and materials, an inspiring environment and help from professional pedagogical staff, your child will develop at lightning speed! Thanks to the close cooperation between the daycare and the school, toddlers get to know the kindergarten teacher and any future classmates and your child grows up in a familiar environment.

Your schoolchild can start the day quietly before school at the pre-school care. And after school, your child will have plenty of room to discover his or her talent with fun and educational activities. Your child goes on an adventure with friends and they decide together which themes to work with. That is not only fun, but it also teaches your son or daughter to work together!

Together with the primary school we form Child Center De Arenberg. Children from 0 to 12 years old learn, play, develop and meet under one roof. We work closely together, based on one vision. For your child, this means that there is a smooth transition between care and education. Your child's development is monitored in a continuous line.

Are you curious about where your child might eat, play, sleep and make friends? You are always welcome to visit us to see if Kibeo suits you and your child. Or make an appointment for a tour at Child Center De Arenberg in Zevenbergen. We would like to get to know you.

Joy Blom
Branch manager

This establishment is very popular! Your desired start date and days on which you need childcare determine when your child can go to this location. So don't wait too long to register. In some situations, your child will be added to the registration list. We are happy to think along with you to find the best solution for you.

Contact information

Daycare (0168) 760 320
Toddler group and BSO (0168) 760 321

Openings hours

  • Day care open from Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 6.30 pm
  • BSO open from Mon to Fri
    • Before school care from 07:00
    • After school care until 6.30 pm

Note: Adjusted opening hours apply on some days. Look for all closing days in the regulations.

LRK daycare number: 190284080 Meer info en download GGD-rapport
LRK number BSO: 102499007 Meer info en download GGD-rapport

Parents telling