Kibeo Stengeplein Heinkenszand
Welcome at Kibeo Stengeplein Heinkenszand
Together with friends, your child always has something to see, discover or do at Kibeo Stengeplein childcare in Heinkenszand. Your baby plays and develops in a quiet, cozy group with other babies. The pedagogical staff have followed special baby training and give your child loving care and attention. With activities we ensure that your child develops at his or her own pace. No matter how small your child is, children learn a lot from each other.
Are you curious about where your child might eat, play and make friends? You are always welcome to visit us to see if Kibeo suits you and your child. Or make an appointment for one rondleiding at childcare Kibeo Stengeplein in Heinkenszand.. We look forward to meeting you.
Contact information
Openings hours
- Day care is open from Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm
Note: Adjusted opening hours apply on some days. Look for all closing days in the regulations.